斯科特•约翰, 设计师 in Miami, FL, United States
斯科特 is 可用 租用
雇佣 斯科特


验证专家  in 设计


Miami, FL, United States

斯科特 is a digital product designer with over 12 years of experience creating innovative interfaces, primarily in health and wellness. 最近, 斯科特 has been instrumental in crafting solutions for LifeWallet, mainly focusing on reconstructing detailed patient medical records using claims data. 另外, 斯科特 has collaborated with outstanding companies and teams during their early stages, 比如检测, 帕诺人人工智能, and Identifeye健康.



产品设计 顾问

  • 设计ed the initial solution for Rightway 健康care, contributing to their Y-Combinator success and subsequent growth to a valuation exceeding $1 billion.
  • Crafted the inaugural iteration of Pano Technologies' AI camera platform for wildfire detection, an endeavor close to my heart. The platform's excellence was recently acknowledged with a $20 million Series A funding.
  • Developed the foundational design for Identify健康, a contribution to their successful $80 million Series B funding.
  • 设计ed solutions for established corporations, including prominent names like Pepsi and LifeWallet.
Technologies: 网络flow, InVision, Balsamiq模型, Figma, 用户界面设计, 用户体验设计, 视觉设计, Responsive 网页设计 (RWD), 仪表盘的设计, Interactive Prototypes, 指示板, High-fidelity 模型, SaaS, High-fidelity Prototypes, UI组件, 模型, 用户体验线框图, 品牌, 用户故事, 可访问性, 用户角色, 设计系统, 数据可视化, 系统设计, 移动应用设计, 网络应用程序设计, 医疗软件, MVP的设计, 健康care Management Systems, 医学技术, Information Architecture (IA), iOS, 响应的布局, Virtual Reality App 设计, 原型设计, iOS用户体验设计, 电子商务, 网络 & 移动应用程序, B2B, 织机, SaaS设计, 触摸屏, 健康 & 健康, 用户流, Adobe


2015 - 2022
  • Led a collaborative design effort for various digital products, serving external clients and internal functions.
  • Contributed significantly to the architectural and design components of the product suite's diverse modules.
  • Collaborated closely with diverse business and development teams to shape effective go-to-market strategies.
  • Played a crucial role in integrating additional verticals into the product, aligning with the acquiring company's needs during a year-long transition period.
技术:Figma, 网络flow, InVision, Balsamiq模型, Interactive Prototypes, 用户界面设计, 用户体验设计, High-fidelity 模型, High-fidelity Prototypes, 用户体验线框图, 用户体验研究, 用户访谈, 用户故事, 网络指示板, 数据可视化, 移动应用设计, 网络应用程序设计, 医疗软件, 健康care Management Systems, Information Architecture (IA), iOS, 响应的布局, 原型设计, iOS用户体验设计, 网络 & 移动应用程序, B2B, 设计领导, 织机, SaaS设计, 拖 & 下降,健康 & 健康

Senior 产品设计er

2012 - 2014
  • Led the product development initiative within the company, collaborating seamlessly with project managers and developers.
  • Created impactful infographics for esteemed events such as The Grammys, 美国足球大联盟, and the MLB All-Star Game.
  • 设计ed two applications that were featured on the App Store.
Technologies: Adobe Illustrator, 网页设计, 用户界面设计, 指示板, High-fidelity 模型, 数据可视化, 移动应用设计, iOS, 网络 & 移动应用程序

Senior UI/用户体验设计er

2011 - 2012
  • Collaborated closely with product managers to conceptualize UI/UX solutions, contributing to a team of senior designers.
  • Teamed up with Sales and Marketing to develop interactive demos and landing pages, contributing to effective lead-generation strategies.
  • Contributed to the inaugural edition of the patient portal mobile application.
Technologies: Adobe Illustrator, 用户界面设计, 移动应用设计, 医疗软件, 健康care Management Systems, iOS, 网络 & 移动应用程序, 健康 & 健康
2003 - 2008

Bachelor's Degree in Studio Art

University of Miami - Miami, FL


Balsamiq模型, Figma, InVision, Adobe, Adobe Illustrator


iOS, 网络flow, Mobile, Mobile (Tablet)


健康 & 健康


网络 UI, iOS应用设计, Information Architecture (IA), 移动应用设计, 网络应用程序设计, 产品设计, 用户界面设计, User 经验 (UX), 用户界面(UI), 用户体验设计, 原型设计, 网络 & 移动应用程序, 视觉设计, 指示板, SaaS设计, B2B, Responsive 网页设计 (RWD), 仪表盘的设计, High-fidelity 模型, SaaS, High-fidelity Prototypes, 日程安排工具, UI组件, 模型, 用户体验线框图, 用户故事, 用户角色, 网络指示板, 数据可视化, 系统设计, 织机, 医疗软件, MVP的设计, 医疗保健服务, 门户网站, 医学技术, 健康care Management Systems, 移动用户体验设计, Interactive Prototypes, 网页设计, 品牌, 用户研究, 用户体验研究, 用户访谈, 可访问性, 设计领导, 设计系统, Human-centered 设计 (HCD), 企业SaaS, 触摸屏, 用户流, 市场设计, Marketplace 平台, 网络应用UI, 网络应用UX, iOS UI设计, iOS用户体验设计, 移动应用程序, 移动用户界面, Virtual Reality App 设计, 响应的布局, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Non-fungible Tokens (NFT), 电子商务, 响应式网络应用, 拖 & 下降, 调度, 分析, 网络分析, 远程医疗, 移动用户体验, 移动应用界面, 原生手机应用, 移动应用程序, 响应用户界面, 用户体验Wireflows, 病人门户, 耐心的服务, Electronic Medical Records (EMR), Electronic 健康 Records (EHR), 用户体验思考, UI风格指南, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), 应用用户体验, 用户的旅行, 企业设计, 公共卫生, 平板电脑界面, 平板电脑的用户体验, 平板电脑设计, B2C, 网络应用程序, 安全设计, Artificial Intelligence as a Service (AIaaS), 应用程序用户界面, 黑暗的ui, 网络 UI设计, 手机UI设计, 网络用户体验, 网页用户体验设计, 标志设计, 品牌标志, UI品牌, 汽车仪表盘, 黑暗的设计, 电子商务的用户界面, 电子商务用户体验, 电子商务网站的设计, 区块链, 忠诚度计划, Loyalty Applications, B2B2C, B2C营销, 奖励, 奖励计划, 网上购物, 购物, 网络3, 报告, Specialty 健康care, 健康, 整体健康, 预约预订, 任命, 预订, 预订系统, 预订应用程序, 预订用户体验, 订阅, 训练, 指导 & 训练, Client Software, UX Pattern 设计, UX Direction, Routines

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